20 IMCWP, Written Contribution of CP of Finland

11/15/18, 6:11 PM
  • Finland, Communist Party of Finland En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Dear comrades, 

we have entered to time of crisis. Capitalism is trying to continue on it´s route and is desperately looking for a salvation from the dead end it created. Unfortunately it is ready to risk everything to survive. 

Climate change is a result of fossil capitalism, which in its need for  profits is totally dependent on the lowest possible oil price. With cheap oil, it is possible to keep on harmful farming, shipping goods around the globe, and above all producing huge quantities of disposable goods that turn immediately to be problematic waste. 

In order to resolve this huge crisis of capitalism we need to talk about global and local fair and equitable solutions. Rich people and countries have created their wealth by using developing countries as a resorse for cheap raw material, cheap work and cheap repository of waste. It is time to pay this debt back, but it is not resposability of the poor people living in the rich countries. This problem was created by the rich and now they have to pay the bill. This is why we need a change in system level if we are going to save mankind. 

Right wing, bourgeois hegemony and market dictatorship are the worst enemy of the proletariat.

The working class have only one direction and that is forward. Successful steps to better future have to be based on the idea of a real collaboration with the progressive parties, communist and worker痴 parties, the left and ecologically progressive parties and with the political parties and the civil societies functionaries, NGOエs, mass movements, peace-movements, syndicates, LGTBI-sexual minorities networks, workers unions, artists, intellectuals and all the variety of the ones and many unsatisfied with political elite, shovist politics, the patriarcat, market dictatorship and capitalism.

Right wing parties speak about responsibility of the environment, but it was them who have driven the policy that has caused the current environmental crisis and they have collected all the profit. 

It's been the bourgeoisie who have been most eager to make the decisions that harm the environment by increasing use of natural resources. The bourgeoisie also decide on the job and its terms. For them, cheap labour force is absolutely nesessary for gaining profit and they don´t hesitate to exploit workers who dependent on their working places. 

The working class does not object to keeping the planet viable. They want to create better world for their children. But at the moment they are still tied to employers and their payroll. When someone has to take care of the next meal on the table it is more acute problem than the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Hunger of your child at this very moment seems more concrete than something that might happen one day. 

We must strengthen the ability of societies to share wealth more smoothly. The requirements of adequate social security are steps in this direction. We must be able to reduce people's dependence on employers, and therefore strengthening social security is also work for the environment and towards more powerfull workers. 

We have to create more models and alternatives to take control of companies to workers. There are several systems already. Traditional cooperative models are no longer the only way of doing this. Also many purely capitalist companies are starting to understand the administrative capacity of workers and they have seen that it is a good idea to use workers instead of traditional corporate governments. The workers have a better view of the company's practical activities and that is why they are cabaple to make better decicions. 

We must support these changes in society towards more confident workers. This is very effective way to make them to know their real force and to finally co to the question ”Why we would need these bosses and owners when we are more efficient and capable to organize by ourselves?” 

Communist Party of Finland would like invite you to Helsinki in november 2019 to Shorter Working Day - Helsinki Seminar to discuss about these new democratic models of work, labor movement and trade unions future, models of social security and shorter workingdays.

Communist Party of Finland will also host at summer 2019 next meeting of the communist parties of North with Communist Party of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Russian Federation. 

In these meetings we will be trying to find answers that rightwing parties now deny. They tell that there is no alternative. We must show to people that there is always a choice. We can give them hope for a better world, and when we do so, we can also get them along with us to the journey towards socialism.

Tiina Sandberg
General secretary
Communist Party of Finland


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain