CP of Greece, The joint statement against Cuba signed by Ministers of Foreign Affairs, including that of Greece, is despicable

7/27/21, 3:12 PM
  • Greece, Communist Party of Greece En Es Europe Communist and workers' parties


The joint statement against Cuba signed by Ministers of Foreign Affairs,
including that of Greece, is despicable


The KKE denounces the joint statement against Cuba signed by Foreign Ministers, including that of Greece.


Specifically, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following statement: 

“The KKE denounces the despicable joint statement supporting the criminal plans of US imperialism against Cuba, signed by 21 Foreign Ministers, including the Greek Foreign Minister, N. Dendias. The joint statement, co-signed by the US Secretary of State, as well as the Foreign Ministers of a bloc of reactionary governments, such as of Israel, Brazil, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, etc., adopts all the provocative pretexts of the Biden administration’s intervention plan against the people and the government of Cuba. 

It is a severe provocation for the ND government to express hypocritical concerns about the ‘human rights’, ‘freedoms’ and ‘living conditions’ of the Cuban people, at the same time that it is promoting anti-labour laws in Greece, is striking a blow against the workers’ wages and rights, bears criminal responsibilities for the spread of the pandemic and intensifies repression to the detriment of the workers’–people's movement. This signature, for which it assumes heavy responsibilities, intervenes directly in the internal affairs of an independent state and entangles our country in very dangerous scenarios and plans, which is why it needs to be massively rejected and condemned by the Greek people. 

The KKE expresses its full solidarity with the Cuban people and the Cuban government, who are not alone in facing the dangerous plans that are being hatched against them.”



Oficina de Prensa del CC del KKE

“La declaración común contra Cuba, firmada por los Ministros de Exterior,
entre ellos el de Grecia, es inadmisible.”


El Partido Comunista de Grecia (KKE) denuncia la inadmisible declaración común que apoya los planes criminales del imperialismo estadounidense contra Cuba, firmada por 21 Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores, entre ellos el Ministro de Exterior de Grecia, N. Dendias. En la declaración común firmada por el Secretario de Estado de los EE.UU y los Ministros de un bloque de gobiernos reaccionarios, como el de Israel, de Brasil, de Austria, de Polonia, de Ucrania, de países Bálticos etc se adoptan todos los pretextos del plan de intervención del gobierno Biden a expensas del pueblo y del gobierno de Cuba. 

El hecho de que el gobierno de la Nueva Democracia (ND) expresa preocupaciones hipócritas sobre  “derechos humanos”, “libertades” y “condiciones de vida” del pueblo cubano, al mismo momento que promueve en Grecia leyes antilaborales, recorta los salarios y los derechos de los trabajadores, tiene responsabilidades criminales para la propagación de la pandemia e intensifica la represión contra el movimiento obrero sindical es una provocación grave. Su firma en la declaración, por la cual asume responsabilidades enormes, interviene directamente a los asuntos internos de un estado soberano e involucra a nuestro país en escenarios y planes muy peligrosos, y por eso nuestro pueblo debe rechazarla y condenarla masivamente.

El KKE expresa su solidaridad total con el pueblo cubano y el gobierno de Cuba que no están solos contra los planes peligrosos que elaboran a sus expensas.


Atenas, 26/07/2021




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