CP of Greece, The unacceptable statements of the Prime Minister in his meeting with the coup leader-puppet of the USA in Venezuela

1/27/20, 3:15 PM
  • Greece, Communist Party of Greece En Es Europe Communist and workers' parties

Press Office of the CC of the KKE
The unacceptable statements of the Prime Minister in his meeting with the coup leader-puppet of the USA in Venezuela

The Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following comment on the meeting of the Prime Minister with the coup leader Juan Guaido:

«The unacceptable statements of the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during his meeting in Davos with the coup leader-puppet of the USA in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, demonstrate the depth of the government's commitments and involvement in the imperialist plans of the USA that are dangerous for the peoples, both in our region and internationally.

The Prime Minister's interest regarding the democratic rights of the people of Venezuela is hypocritical, at the same time when the ND government is promoting the "law and order" doctrine to suppress the people's struggles, advancing measures to restrict demonstrations, trade union activity and the right to strike in order to pass its anti-people political line.

The support of the ND government for the dirty intervention of the USA, EU and their allies in Venezuela is aimed against the legally elected President of the country and the Venezuelan people as a whole, who are the only ones that have the responsibility to determine the political and social developments in their country.

The KKE expresses once gain its internationalist solidarity with the people of Venezuela, the Communist Party and the Communist Youth, who are fighting for the people's interests."


Sobre la reunión del Primer Ministro griego con el golpista Juan Guaidó

La Oficina de Prensa del CC del KKE emitió el siguiente comentario sobre la reunión del Primer Ministro con el golpista Juan Guaidó:

“Las declaraciones inaceptables hechas por el primer ministro Kyriakos Mitsotakis durante su reunión en Davos con el golpista-hombre de paja de los EE.UU en Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, demuestran la profundidad de su compromiso y la implicación del gobierno en los planes imperialistas de los EE.UU, tanto a nivel local como internacional, que conllevan riesgospara los pueblos.

El interés del Primer Ministro con respecto a los derechos democráticos del pueblo de Venezuela es hipócrita, ya que el gobierno de la ND promueve la doctrina de "ley y orden"para reprimirlas luchas populares, adopta medidas para restringir las manifestaciones, la acción sindical y el derecho a la huelga, y para promover su política antipopular.

El apoyo del gobierno de la ND a la intervención sucia de los EE.UU, la UE y sus aliados en Venezuela se dirige contra el legalmente elegido Presidente del país y, en general, contra el pueblo venezolano, que es el único responsable de determinar  el desarrollo de los acontecimientos políticos y sociales de su país.

El KKE reitera su solidaridad internacionalista con el pueblo de Venezuela, el Partido Comunista y la Juventud Comunista que luchan por los intereses populares.”