NCP of Yugoslavia, Statement of the NKPJ

11/11/19, 4:32 PM
  • Serbia, New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Bolivia 2019 En Europe Communist and workers' parties

Statement of the NKPJ: Down with the Coup in Bolivia! All Support and Solidarity to the Bolivian People!

The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia emphatically condemns the coup against Bolivian President Evo Morales. 

The right-wing opposition refuses to recognize their defeat at the polls and resorts to violence against the constitutional order. We strongly denounce this coup attempt.

We call all people around the world to give their fullest and most resolute solidarity to the Bolivian workers, peasants and communists in this hour of crisis.

Down with the coup in Bolivia!

All support and solidarity to the Bolivian people!

Belgrade, November 11, 2019