Sudanese CP, Update, 9 May 2019

5/10/19, 3:54 PM
  • Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party En Africa Communist and workers' parties

The last few weeks have witnessed a number of serious developments within the Sudan, especially with regard to the talks between the Alliance for Freedom and Change and the Military Transitional Council (MTC). At the same time international and regional players became more vocal and clearer on their stand regarding these internal developments.

- The EU demanded that the MTC hand over power to the civilians and appealed for more calm and peace between the two main forces. While the Arab League has continued to consider the developments as an internal problem, which means taking no stand, the African Union (AU) demanded that the MTC must hand over power to the civilians within a short period. The governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates (UAE) have continued their intervention in support of the MTC and against the overwhelming majority of people of Sudan. Turkey and Qatar, the representatives of the international Muslim Brotherhood organization, have given their support to the remnants of political Islam in the country.

- On the internal front, attempts to continue the talks between the main sides, the MTC and the Alliance for Freedom and Change, have reached a kind of a deadlock. The last round of talks centred on the document presented by the Alliance embodying its ideas on the governing bodies of the future Sudan. These bodies include the establishment of a presidential council composed of representatives of the regions, an executive government, and a legislative body, to act as a parliament and a supervisor over the transitional period of four years, after which national elections would be organized. The MTC promised to give its reply in a short period. After a week, and instead of calling for a meeting with the Alliance, its spokesman held a press conference during which he spoke about issues that were not in the document.

- This round was not the first time the MTC has avoided addressing the issues to which it must give an answer. Due to the way the MTC has dealt with the document, both the Alliance and the Sudanese CP have issued statements condemning the MTC’s attitude.

- In its press release, the Sudanese Communist Party stated that presenting the document to the MTC was not to open a general debate, but to consider the tasks of the presidential council. What is needed is that the MTC must surrender power to the civilian forces represented by the Alliance. Furthermore, it called on the forces of the revolution to continue their mass actions, including the sit-ins, and prepare for the next stage to launch the general strike and civil disobedience.

- In reaction to the press conference of the MTC, the Alliance issued a statement expressing its disappointment regarding how the MTC dealt with the document. It continued to say that the meetings with the MTC were only to deal with the transfer of power, but that they were abused by the MTC, using it to delay dealing with that objective. Instead, it has become clear that the MTC, with these tactics, is trying to hijack the revolution and assume the same role and policies of the ousted Albashir. The Alliance condemned that the MTC has raised issues like the relationship between the state and religion. Such issues were not part of the document and are supposed to be discussed in the constitutional conference to be held during the transitional period.

- It seems from the results of the last talks that the MTC is embarking on a dangerous path leading to preserve full power, and to new levels of open confrontation with the masses.

- The call for preparing and implementing the general political strike and launching the civil disobedience assumes vital importance as the stage of the fight to dismantle and liquidate the regime is beginning.

Secretariat of the Central Committee

Sudanese CP

9 May 2019