Statement in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli Occupation for a just peace [En]

11/16/15, 2:39 PM
  • En

Statement in solidarity

with the struggle of the Palestinian people

against the Israeli Occupation for a just peace [En]

We the undersigned, Communist and Workers' parties attending the 17th IMCWP in Istanbul, note with concern the recent escalation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), brought about by the rejectionist policies of the Israeli government, which aims to deepen the occupation, expand the settlements, and create facts on the ground in order to undermine a possible implementation of UN resolutions.

The Israeli right-wing extremist government may claim to be "in support of a two states solution", but it is in fact its staunchest enemy. Under the auspices of US imperialism, Israel is continuing to drive Palestinians away from their homes, confiscate lands in order to build new settlements and expand the existing ones, tighten the economic grip over the OPT so as to place obstacles before the development of an independent Palestinian economy, and spread lies and disinformation about its daily violation of human rights.

We express our full support and solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for national sovereignty, for an independent and viable state – in accordance to UN resolutions, international law, and the right of nations to self-determination. The Palestinian people – through its sole legitimate representative – the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) – is struggling for attainment of basic rights, and deserve the solidarity of all democratic forces;

We send our regards to the struggle of the peace and progressive forces within Israeli society, who fight for an implementation of a peaceful solution which would serve the true national interests of both peoples. We call for the release of those Israeli conscientious objectors who are jailed because of their refusal to serve in the army of occupation;

We call for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, alongside the State of Israel, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and with the June 4th 1967 borders ("The Green Line") as the internationally-recognized border of peace; We demand the evacuation of all Israeli settlements in the OPT and for dismantling the Separation Wall; We urge the release of all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails; We stand for a just solution of the problem of Palestinian refugees according to UN resolution 194 and to other UN resolutions; We call for Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied Arab-Syrian Golan Heights and from the Shebaa Farms in South Lebanon.

We call for the recognition of the State of Palestine as full member of the United Nations and will urge the Governments of our respective countries to recognise the State of Palestine.

Let us all use the 29th of November, Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to mobilise and demand the End of the Israeli Occupation Now!

Istanbul, 30-31 October - 1 November, 2015

The following Parties undersign the Statement:

Participant Parties

  1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  2. Communist Party of Argentina
  3. Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
  4. Workers' Party of Belgium
  5. Brazilian Communist Party
  6. Communist Party of Brazil
  7. Communist Party of Britain
  8. Communist Party of Bulgaria
  9. Communist Party of Canada
  10. Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
  11. Communist Party of Cuba
  12. AKEL, Cyprus
  13. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  14. Communist Party in Denmark
  15. Communist Party of Finland
  16. French Communist Party
  17. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  18. German Communist Party
  19. Communist Party of Greece
  20. Hungarian Workers' Party
  21. Communist Part of India
  22. Communist Party of India (M)
  23. Party TUDEH of Iran
  24. Iraqi Communist Party
  25. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
  26. Communist Party of Ireland
  27. Workers' Party of Ireland
  28. Communist Party of Israel
  29. Communist Party of Kazakhstan
  30. Communist Party of Malta
  31. Communist Party of Mexico
  32. Communist Party of Norway
  33. Palestinian People's Party
  34. Palestinian Communist Party
  35. Portuguese Communist Party
  36. Russian Communist Workers Party
  37. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  38. Communists of Serbia
  39. South African Communist Party
  40. Communist Party of Spain
  41. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  42. Sudanese Communist Party
  43. Communist Party of Sweden
  44. Syrian Communist Party
  45. Communist Party, Turkey
  46. Communist Party of Vietnam

Other SolidNet Parties

  1. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  2. Phillipine Communist Party [PKP-1930]


April 2, 2025 - April 6, 2025 - Madurai, Tamilnadu, India 24th Congress of the CPI(M)
April 25, 2025 - April 27, 2025 - Spain XII Congress of the CP of the Peoples of Spain